With less than one week until Mother’s Day, we’re so happy to bring you our third installment of Letters to Mom! We asked 11 awesome moms to share a letter to their own mother or a mother-figure in their life, celebrating what makes their family unique and what lessons they hope to pass on to their own children.


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“To my Mama—

Where do I even begin??? Do I begin with what a strong beautiful woman you are inside and out? Do I begin with the all of the memories I hold so close my heart from growing up and you are always in them? Do I begin with you supporting me in times you probably were not 100% sure about?

Thank you for trusting me in all of those moments. All of those times have shaped me into who I am today and this life that I am living. You are the best of the best and I am so lucky to call you mine. You have taught me more than you will ever know and I am thankful for that every day. Also, it makes my heart so full that Riley loves you just as much as I do. I won the mom lottery and I hope you always know that! I love you Mama!” —Jules, of @lawnparty




“My darlings, my prayer for you is that you love others with all your heart, as Christ first loved us. That you stand firm in what you believe in and fight for what is right. That you know that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. I pray that you are a light to all the darkness around you. That you choose kindness over anger. And that you know you always have a place to call home. My arms will always be open. My ears will always be there to listen. I’ll wipe away your tears and help you fight your battles. I’m so proud to be your mother and call you my own. My greatest privilege is loving you and your father and being your mama is my greatest joy. ✨

🌿 Memory box is from Cardtorial that I’m filling with letters like this one above to give to my children when they are grown ✨” —Julianna, of @my_wildflowers




“Before I had Oliver, I thought I knew what being a mom would be like. What I didn’t expect were all the late nights taking care of a sick baby, surviving off only a few hours of sleep every night, the worry, the fears & most of all, the indescribable love you have for another human being. Even though I was grateful for you, Mom, I didn’t realize the sacrifices you made for us & the love your mama heart felt. So, Mom, everything I am, you helped me to be & for that, I am forever thankful for YOU. This beautiful frame made from alderwood is from one of my favorite shops, Cardtorial! Every item is truly meaningful & perfect for Mother’s Day.”  —Lisa, of @darlingnightingale





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