12 Creative Ideas to Fill Your Baby Memory Book!

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Your kids are napping and you finally have a moment of peace and quiet. It’s time to grab your Baby Memory Book and flex those creative muscles! The only question: what are you going to fill this family keepsake with? We put together 12 ideas of creative, fun, and meaningful things to include in your Baby Book, crowdsourced from the Cardtorial team and our own parents, to help make sure you don’t miss a thing from baby’s first year of life! 


  1. A list of popular songs, movies, and TV shows, and current events from the month of your baby’s birth. Tape the front page of the newspaper from the day of her birth within the book’s pages!
  2. Your scratchwork of names you almost named him. (Fun fact: three of the women here at Cardtorial were almost named Hannah…but our parents changed their minds at the last minute! Clearly a pretty popular name for Millenials!)
  3. Your cravings and favorite foods from this pregnancy — the weirder the better! Pickles, sauerkraut, olives… whatever it is, it’ll be a fun anecdote to look back on someday.  
  4. A bundle of letters written to your baby from her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents, and close family friends.
  5. The answer to this adorable question: do people say you look more like Mommy or Daddy?
  6. Describe in detail the moment you realized you were pregnant — what was going through your mind? How did you feel? How did you share the news with your partner? And tape in those ultrasound photos, if you have them!
  7. A list of your baby’s favorite foods each month! Sweet potatoes & bananas might not seem like super exciting content, but trust us—it’ll be adorable to remember your little one’s favorites in a few short years.
  8. The titles of some of the books you read them early in life. For an avid reader, being able to look back on their earliest favorite books will be precious.
  9. Their first work of art— whip up some edible finger paints, a safe way for your little one to explore their artistic side. Since paper is probably going to get ripped up or eaten, let her paint on a safe, easily cleanable surface, then simply place a piece of paper on top of the creation, smooth, and peel away to save their first masterpiece. Very cute for any future art school graduation announcements!  
  10. Some of your favorite “Congratulations!” cards and notes from loved ones. You’ll receive tons of them, but a handful will be particularly moving and deserve to be saved.
  11. Your hospital band!
  12. A description of your baby’s first laugh. When was it? What were they laughing at? How did you feel hearing your little one express pure joy? This might seem like a simple one, but trust us: it’s going to mean so much in the years to come!


Follow us on Instagram @cardtorial for more on our new Baby Memory Books, and be sure to stay tuned for fun here on the blog!


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