How Travel Inspires Our Designs!

As one of our newest collections (Adventure journals and cards!) were beginning to come together earlier this year, it suddenly struck us how much our company ethos and aesthetic are shaped by a love of travel and adventure (you can see it in our Ocean collection, our new Outdoors and Adventure collections, and so much more!). Read on for a bit of insight into the Cardtorial design and production process, the many ways in which our work is inspired by travel, and Yvonne’s strongly pro-vacation stance. Then let us know how your travels shape you and your work!




As a society, I feel that we’re often focused so much on doing what we think we need to be or should be doing. Travel / vacation allows me to find that space where I can think about what I actually want to be doing. It’s in that space that I can be my most creative self, find inspiration, and just get into the flow. Ultimately that comes from any vacation time, any time away from work, not just while I’m traveling. For me, that often involves surfing [pictured above]!

My parents are from Hong Kong, and because of our international background, I was lucky enough to visit a lot of other places at a young age, which really affected me and sparked my interest in travel. Travelling to new places peaks curiosity in a way that our day-to-day lives just don’t. To me, curiosity is what keeps life fun, what makes it worth living; travel is a quick fix to get myself out of a routine and stay curious.





This is a photo of the NYC skyline taken from a park in Brooklyn! I went to school in upstate New York and went into NYC any chance I got. Even now, though I’m back in LA, I try to find an excuse to take the trip out to New York as often as I can.

I find it to be a very freeing place to be – though there’s always something going on, it’s still very easy to be completely anonymous. As an art major, I found it to be a great place to be creative and explore, free of judgement. And, as someone who was really into street photography, there’s always something to shoot.




This picture was taken during a recent trip up to Santa Cruz to visit my friend, Megan! It was a super fun trip and I was really happy to visit her. Travelling up north is something my family and I have been doing my whole life, but it feels like I enjoy and appreciate the trips even more as I get older. We even have specific places we always stop at on the drive up (like Pea Soup Andersens in Buellton — we love their pastries!). During this last trip, Megan and I decided at the last minute to travel up San Francisco to visit one of our mutual friends for the day. He was super excited and surprised, and we had a great day exploring San Fran.

Travelling is a great way for me to feel inspired. I love the feeling that even if I’ve visited a certain place many times, there will always be new things for me to see. I also love having the experience of being introduced to new places by people who live there! Megan took me to Saturn Cafe in downtown Santa Cruz for the first time, and now it’s one of my favorite spots.




Springtime in New England is always re-energizing. It’s like the slate has been wiped clean after a long winter (usually very long). Animals start coming out once more and new plants emerge. The air is sort of cold, but crisp and smells like pine. Nothing is better or more creatively refreshing than springtime in New England. (This photo is from a trip to Massachusetts that I took earlier this year to attend a wedding!)



I’ve always found that I come up with my best ideas at exactly the moment that I stop trying to think of them (which I think it a pretty common experience). I’ve never been able to fully turn off my brain (to say the least), but travel at least allows me to refocus my attention, away from day-to-day responsibilities and towards the planning of a trip or the experiences of a new place. I’m not originally from Los Angeles, and lately, my trips are almost all back home to spend time with my family! They begin with a six-hour red eye back to the East Coast (not my favorite thing), but are filled with time spent wandering around our amazing local farmers market, relaxing on the beach, and hanging out with my parents (all some of my favorite things). These restorative trips—where I have nothing to do but relax, run errands with my parents, and read books—ultimately make me a more creative person. I think there’s truly something to be said for vacation making you a better person, and I’ve been really lucky to find that calm, creativity, and joy in my trips home to the mid-Atlantic.


Follow us on Instagram @cardtorial and be sure to stay tuned for more fun here on the blog!

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